Another Hundred
Well, wandering around the web today, I took note of this interesting meme or project or whatever it is... and my regular readers will now be braced for yet more superfluous information about ever-so-fascinating Me.1) I've attended 17 different schools.
2) I'm not afraid of death.
3) I am an ardent Anglophile.
4) Nipples fascinate and sometimes horrify me.
5) Baroque art, architecture, décor, and music make me horny.
6) I'm not as much of a bitch as I like to pretend.
7) I was attacked by spiders when I was four.
8) Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty's Waltz" is my favorite piece of music.
9) I have been fascinated by pornography since I was three.
10) I've never been stung by a wasp.
11) I never believed in Santa Claus.
12) I like big cubic zirconium better than little diamonds.
13) Orchestral violins bore me.
14) I was born on an Army base.
15) My favorite card game is Rummy.
16) I hate cats, but all my friends love them.
17) I dislike change, but do not fear it.
18) I need coffee to live, but I'm not very picky about it.
19) My favorite color changes every few months.
20) I do crossword puzzles in ink.
21) I enjoy driving.
22) I am easily entertained.
23) I love egg-shaped things.
24) I love elephants.
25) I don't enjoy dancing in public.
26) I seldom ever celebrate my birthday.
27) I am forever fascinated by my own writing.
28) I'm very forgetful, yet I remember so many irrelevant things.
29) I come from a family of unusually large-headed people.
30) I look good in bright colors but prefer to wear neutrals.
31) I've never had a wet dream.
32) I've never had a pet that died of natural causes.
33) I've never had a passport.
34) I've never had a suntan, only burns and freckles.
35) I haven't had sex in over six years.
36) If I had to choose between my survival or my scruples, I would be dead.
37) I have hairy feet.
38) No one has ever been in love with me.
39) I think I could do a pretty good job as a member of the British Royal Family.
40) I wish I'd done a lot of things differently.
41) I believe in Reason and Scientific Method.
42) Religious people irritate me.
43) My mother is a WASP who aspired to, and succeeded in becoming, White Trash.
44) My father is a natural-born mechanic.
45) Cruella DeVil is my favorite cartoon character.
46) Ella Fitzgerald is my all-time favorite singer.
47) I don't know how to cheat at games.
48) I don't like beaches very much.
49) I don't like being naked unless covered in blankets or water.
50) I only like hot chocolate when it's raining out.
51) I don't like oral sex.
52) I hate Madonna.
53) I buy magazines just for the pictures.
54) Pastel colors make me anxious but I wear them anyway.
55) I think men in suits are sexy.
56) Jewelry is my favorite inanimate object.
57) Chiffon is my favorite fabric, but I own very little of it.
58) All of my life I've had difficulty going to sleep and difficulty waking up.
59) I hate my middle name.
60) Both of my parents live in mobile homes.
61) I can never find a pen when I want one.
62) I did not have more than one friend at a time, and many times had no friends at all, until I was in the eighth grade.
63) I do not look in mirrors when I pass them, though I used to do so compulsively.
64) The first number I ever performed in drag was Alison Moyet's "Midnight Telephone."
65) The sound of dentists' drills makes me cringe.
66) The sight of my own blood nauseates me.
67) I am often envious of beautiful people.
68) I am one-eighth Chinese.
69) I stick out my tongue when I'm concentrating.
70) I love painting my nails.
71) It really pisses me off that I'm not beautiful.
72) I was potty-trained at nine months.
73) I still remember my high-school locker number and combination.
74) I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time.
75) My name should have been Charles.
76) I look stupid in hats.
77) I am surprised and excited when I find a word I don't know.
78) My favorite tea is Earl Grey.
79) I can tell the difference between a fact, a belief, and an opinion.
80) I believe that beauty exists on its own terms and is not in the eye of the beholder.
81) I think that blood relation is a stupid reason to love someone.
82) I think that romantic love is a stupid reason to get married.
83) Advertising is the genesis and the bane of the Information Age.
84) People are the most fascinating things on Earth.
85) I love the smell of pipe tobacco.
86) I used to be blond…first naturally and then chemically.
87) I have to force myself to look into people's eyes when I'm talking to them.
88) I love to laugh.
89) I used to think Tom Cruise was hot, but I don't anymore.
90) I've only twice had an orgasm when someone else was there.
91) I don't understand how electronic devices work, but I can operate most of them.
92) I have very sharp but very weak teeth.
93) I hate waiting.
94) I've always wanted to play the piano, but not badly enough to learn.
95) I've always wanted to be a ballet dancer, but now it's too late.
96) I've never watched Casablanca all the way through.
97) I love wearing sweaters.
98) I never wished or said that I wasn't gay.
99) I have worn briefs most of my life.
100) I like to write about myself.
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