Sunday, September 12, 2021

Oh, hi. Yeah. Uh...

So this is awkward, trying to get back in touch after nine months of silent withdrawal. But I realized when speaking to someone about the diverse benefits of Blogger versus LiveJournal (about which I couldn't really speak because I've never used LiveJournal) that I've had this blog for nearly twenty years. That's a long old time, isn't it? And I have neglected it terribly for the last ten years, at least, half its life languishing in sporadic updates and NaNoWriMo attempts. 

So I am inspired to do something about it — and, since September is my time for starting new things, engrained by eighteen years of new fall semesters, I am setting myself the task of writing something here every day; it doesn't have to be a grand essay, though it can be, or it can be a noveling idea, or a random observation, or song lyrics, or a movie review, or just a "hey I don't feel like writing today" with a hottie off Twitter for punctuation. A writer writes, and I haven't been writing daily like I should (and want to), so that's going to change as of this September day.

Let's see how I do.

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