Feygeleh Friday
That's a Yiddish word for "fag" (with creative spelling). It also means "little bird"...isn't that cute?So I really don't have anything interesting to say...but for all you weekend readers, I didn't want to leave you hanging with yesterday's bitchfest, so I thought I'd better give you some words and ideas and images to chew on.
Speaking of images, I just uploaded a bunch of pictures, including some old snapshots of Lil' Ol' Me when I was just a baby...a twenty-odd-year-old baby, but a baby all the same. I just can't get over how skinny I used to be! I'm surprised I didn't slip down drains more often in my youth...thank god for these big feet! Have a look (I hope you have a fast connection)...
Smoking keeps you thin! Me with regrettably platinum hair and rather too much makeup in 1992.
With my good friend and dreadful roommate Jason, dining at the Bench & Bar, 1990.
On stage at the B&B, must have been Oscar-time...1991? I was really into headbands then.
And this is how I looked at family gatherings. I think that was Thanksgiving '90. Wherever did all those cheekbones go?
With my beloved sister Suzie, around Christmas that same year. We had lots of fun playing dress-up that evening!
To update on some of the things I bitched about yesterday:
A) It seems the heat has let up a bit. It's still too warm for a jacket, but at least it's not too warm for skin, as it has been for the last few days. I didn't break a sweat all today! But I still felt sort of dull and lethargic anyway, I don't know why.
B) only one of the hateful people came for the ballot-counting today, and the vote came out quite decidedly in favor of the Dourly Manipulative Cowplop. So that's the end of that one. Phew!
C) Though I feel disloyal to Uigui when I complain about my ongoing lack of comments (rather than complaining about the lack of commentary left here), I took Amanda's advice and checked out the YACCS comment system. I had investigated them when I first put up comments, but they weren't taking new users at the time. Now they are, but only in batches of 25, every six hours...so you have to log in on a sixth hour before you can get it. It's like playing jump-rope...you have to jump in just at the right moment, or wait for the next right moment. By the time I get that figured out, Uigui will probably be back online. Oh well, I never said I was a genius. I'm just a sub-genius.
Well, I guess that's enough babbling for the time being. Tomorrow I have to do laundry (I'm on my last pair of underwear again), and I'll hopefully remember to take a "before" picture of my room and post it here...there's a saying that goes: "The very least you can be is an example of what not to do." I figure if someone sees what a sty I live in, that person won't feel quite so bad about his or her own sty. In the meantime, have a gander at this loverly creature:
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